Женя очень фотогеничная фотомодель. Мне было легко с ней работать.
Я довольна ее фотоснимками, они отражают ее саму. Считаю фотографии получились на 5 +
Jane is very photogenic model. It was easy to work with her.
I am happy with her photos, they represent herself. I think photos were obtained at 5 +
I am happy with her photos, they represent herself. I think photos were obtained at 5 +
Oh my gosh, Aleksa...your photography is gorgeous!! If you would ever like to collaborate, just ask...I'm so glad you found my blog! xo
ОтветитьУдалитьThank you so much Kim!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьOk :DD